Nov. 30, 2021 | CREB
Calgary-and-area REALTOR® community awards $100,000 to local housing and shelter charities
City of Calgary, Nov. 30, 2021 – In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation has awarded $100,000 to six local non-profit organizations through its 2021 Community and Transformation Grants.
“We are proud to support this diverse and deserving group of organizations on behalf of the local REALTOR® community,” said Murray Scotton, chair of CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation.
“Each of these non-profits addresses housing and shelter issues in different ways, but they are united by a shared desire to help those who need it most, and that need is especially great at this time of year.”
The following organizations were selected as 2021 grant recipients:
Community Grants
- Calgary Dream Centre
- Calgary Drop-In and Rehab Centre Society
- Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta
Transformation Grants
- Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society
- Closer to Home Community Services
- Sonshine Community Services
Community Grants fund major repairs or renovations to existing housing or shelter supply, with the goal of keeping people housed in their communities. Transformation Grants provide funding for minor renovations to existing infrastructure in an effort to improve housing quality for the community’s most vulnerable.
The Legacy Grant is the Foundation’s signature funding stream, designed to make substantial, progressive changes for communities in the area of housing and shelter. In July, the Foundation awarded $300,000 to 2021 Legacy Grant recipient HomeSpace Society to support its Sierra Place project, which will see a downtown office tower converted into affordable housing units.
“For Giving Tuesday, we’re reaffirming our commitment to creating new housing options, keeping people housed and improving housing quality,” said Jason Yule, CREB®’s director of communications. “Together, our Legacy, Community and Transformation Grants allow us to do just that.”
Today is the ninth annual Giving Tuesday, a global generosity movement that encourages companies, charities and individuals to give back to their communities and support favourite causes.
For more information about the Foundation’s grant programs, click here.
About CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation
CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is the community investment arm of CREB® (the Calgary Real Estate Board).
Made up of a membership of more than 5,800 REALTORS® and community members, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation exists to support the charitable and philanthropic activities of its members and to provide funding to housing and shelter-related initiatives in Calgary and area.
Since its inception in 1987, the Foundation has contributed more than $7.4 million to a wide range of non-profit organizations in our communities.
For more information, please contact:
Jason Yule
CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation
Director, Communication Services
: Community Investment | Community Grant | Transformation Grant