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Stories Tagged - bicycle
July 18, 2024 | CREB
Helping youth one bike at a time
Since its Calgary opening in 2006, Two Wheel View has witnessed first-hand how biking helps youth build confidence, leadership and employability skills.
Dec. 05, 2016 | Tom Babin
A changed city
Future of bike lanes rests in council's hands as Calgary struggles with commuter culture
A few years ago, I stumbled out of a downtown nightclub during the Sled Island music festival to head home at a time so sensible that my younger self would have been horrified.
With my ears still ringing from the music, I rounded the corner onto Stephen Avenue and the view stopped me in my tracks. There were bikes, hundreds of them, parked in overflowing racks set up by organizers of the festival, spilling across the pedestrian mall wherever I looked.
As a long-time bicycle commuter in Calgary, I had grown accustomed to having my choice of prime bike parking because there were so few cyclists around. This, however, was different. I could barely find my bike amid the multitudes. I had never seen so many cyclists in Calgary at one place. It felt like a different city.

With my ears still ringing from the music, I rounded the corner onto Stephen Avenue and the view stopped me in my tracks. There were bikes, hundreds of them, parked in overflowing racks set up by organizers of the festival, spilling across the pedestrian mall wherever I looked.
As a long-time bicycle commuter in Calgary, I had grown accustomed to having my choice of prime bike parking because there were so few cyclists around. This, however, was different. I could barely find my bike amid the multitudes. I had never seen so many cyclists in Calgary at one place. It felt like a different city.
April 30, 2014 | CREBNow
Cycle pilot approved
CREBNow's three-part series examining the news, community and culture of cycling in the city.
April 28 saw Calgary's city council voting in favour of a downtown cycle track pilot.
The 8-7 vote comes on the heels of months of planning, community forums and debates on whether the track would be a feasible idea for downtown Calgary.
April 28 saw Calgary's city council voting in favour of a downtown cycle track pilot.
The 8-7 vote comes on the heels of months of planning, community forums and debates on whether the track would be a feasible idea for downtown Calgary.
April 24, 2014 | CREBNow
Two wheeled commute
CREBNow's three-part series examining the news, community and culture of cycling in the city
Even when the snow falls hard and fast, there are still those who brave Calgary's snowy streets on their bicycles for their weekly commute to work.
Before moving downtown about a month ago, Eric Westrum made the downtown commute on his bicycle — utilizing John Laurie Boulevard and the 10th Street bike lane from his home in Brentwood — year round.
Even when the snow falls hard and fast, there are still those who brave Calgary's snowy streets on their bicycles for their weekly commute to work.
Before moving downtown about a month ago, Eric Westrum made the downtown commute on his bicycle — utilizing John Laurie Boulevard and the 10th Street bike lane from his home in Brentwood — year round.