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Stories Tagged - Open House Parade
Nov. 08, 2019 | Cody Stuart
Crossfield open house parade collects food donations for veterans in need
REALTORS® in Crossfield will be holding open houses with a twist this Saturday.
Aiming to help fill food hampers for veterans, several area Realtors are encouraging prospective homebuyers to bring along a non-perishable food item when they visit the town's Parade of Open Houses this weekend.
Aiming to help fill food hampers for veterans, several area Realtors are encouraging prospective homebuyers to bring along a non-perishable food item when they visit the town's Parade of Open Houses this weekend.
Aug. 28, 2019 | Andrea Cox
Royal LePage Solutions spearheads unique open-house parade
Royal LePage Solutions is spearheading an innovative event designed to get people out and about, meeting real estate agents and checking out a broad selection of homes across the city and surrounding areas.