Nov. 13, 2015 | Cody Stuart
City to study plans for Crowchild Trail
Online forum also openThe City is conducting a transportation corridor study to identify short-, medium, and long-term plans for Crowchild Trail from 24th Avenue N.W. to 17th Avenue S.W.
Now in Phase 3: Concept Identification, the study will take place throughout November, working with Calgarians to explore ideas on possible changes to the roadway to help address issues today and accommodate Calgary's growth in the coming decades.
"We're working with Calgarians to put pen to paper," said project manager Fesial Lakha. "We know Calgarians have great ideas. The workshops are an opportunity to explore the benefits, impacts, constraints and trade-offs of different ideas participants bring to the table."
The last of three public workshops is scheduled to take place Nov. 14, with additional drop-in sessions scheduled for the week of Nov. 16. Space is limited. Calgarians can RSVP online at www.calgary.ca/crowchild.
For those unable to attend an in-person event, an online idea forum will also be available starting Nov. 9.
The project team will use the input gathered to develop preliminary concepts for Phase 4: Concept Evaluation in spring 2016. The six-phase study is expected to be complete by end of 2016, with study recommendations brought forward to council early 2017.
More than 100,000 Calgarians rely on Crowchild Trail each day to reach their destinations, said the City. As the primary north-south link on the west side of the city, the road is a critical part of Calgary's transportation network, providing critical access to east-west routes, and connecting major destinations across the city.
Tagged: City of Calgary | Crowchild Trail | Growth | study | Transportation | Uncategorized | workshop