June 10, 2015 | CREBNow
City seeking input on Crowchild Trail
Study looks to update 40-year-old plan for roadwayThe City of Calgary is conducting a study to look at the future of Crowchild Trail.
The study, which will examine the stretch running from 24th Avenue N.W. to 17th Avenue S.W., will identify short-, medium- and long-terms plans for the major transportation corridor to accommodate future growth and improve travel.
Throughout June and July, Calgarians are invited to provide their thoughts through workshops, study area tours and an online questionnaire. The City will also be at various community events to talk to people about Crowchild Trail. "We're in phase two of a new six-phase study process. We want to hear from Calgarians about how Crowchild Trail is important to their commute, to their neighbourhood, to area businesses and destinations and to Calgary's transportation network," said Feisal Lakha, senior transportation engineer at the City.
The study is expected to be complete by the end of 2016, and will update the nearly 40-year-old plan for the roadway. Completed in 1978, the previous plan for Crowchild Trail discussed several possibilities for an overpass across 16th Avenue N.W., a project that never came to fruition during the four decades since the study was conducted.
A 2012 plan that would have seen several new interchanges along Crowchild and a new bridge over the Bow River was promptly rejected by council due to a billion-dollar price tag and the fact the plan would necessitate tearing down several homes in the area.
Originally designed to accommodate 70,000 vehicles a day, the roadway now sees in excess of 100,000 drivers on a daily basis.
The City recently wrapped up phase one of the new study, which included working with a group of 18 Calgarians to develop an engagement program for the study. Calgarians will have multiple opportunities to provide input during each phase of the study.
"Whether you live or work close to Crowchild, or use it to get around Calgary, I encourage you to get involved now so your input can be used to inform the remainder of the study," said Lakha.
For updates on the Crowchild Trail study, visit www.calgary.ca/crowchild.
Tagged: Calgary Community | City | Crowchild Trail | study | Transportation