June 06, 2024 | CREB
Horses, homes and hope
When Kendra Watt learned about senior, ill and injured horses at a horse auction being sold for slaughter, she knew she had to help them.
That’s why in 2021, she co-founded Jensen Ranch Rescue, an organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming horses that are neglected, surrendered or injured.
Having grown up on a large cattle and horse farm in Manitoba, standing up for animals who cannot speak or advocate for themselves comes naturally to Watt, who is an award-winning REALTOR® and a member of CREB®’s Government Relations Standing Committee (GRSC).
“All animals deserve respect and kindness,” she says. “It’s ingrained in me to support animal welfare.”
Along with Jensen Ranch Rescue’s co-founders Cody and Kari Jensen, Watt was motivated to support horses destined for meat, especially those who have given their lives to serve humans as riding horses, kids’ horses, or those used for breeding programs, only to be brought to auctions where they’re sold from one owner to another and are uprooted from their homes and friends.
These events, Watt says, can be scary and traumatizing for horses, because they form strong bonds with their mates.
She believes these animals deserve a better end to their life because, once at an auction, many potential buyers see those horses as lame, old and useless. Therefore, they often end up being purchased for their meat instead of going to a new home where they can live out a nice retirement.
Since Jensen Ranch Rescue’s foundation in 2021, Watt and her co-founders have been able to help numerous horses from suffering.
“This experience has been equally rewarding and heartbreaking,” Watt says. “The number of horses we’ve been able to help and end their suffering is almost overwhelming, but there aren’t many options for the horses, so at least we’re able to step in and offer our assistance.”
Rescuing horses is no easy job. The process of catching, transporting, vetting and rehoming horses is both expensive and logistically challenging, especially without government funding to support this cause.
However, Jensen Ranch Rescue has partnered with other rescue groups, municipal administrations and other stakeholders to provide options and opportunities for those who need help and those who want to help.
As for Watt, she believes that her work at Jensen Ranch Rescue has enriched both her personal life and professional practice.
“I simply love being a contributing member of society and advocating for the things I believe in,” she says. “It’s rewarding to know that my reach and network can be accessed to help rally the troops for just causes and to help non-profit societies or rescues benefit from a community.”
Want to help Watt help these horses? Jensen Ranch Rescue relies on grants and donations from the community to operate. To contribute, please visit: https://jensenranchrescue.ca/ or donate via e-transfer at info@jensenranchrescue.ca
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